Hello there sweethearts :3
Today I want to write first part of Bianca's and Ellen's story.
My story takes place on big island called "Almead". I'll draw a big map of Almead soon... At least I hope so. On the north in the mountains live big nation named Aerie. In Aerie's village lived beautiful girl named Miranda. She had very long wavy white hair, big orange eyes, and very beautiful rounded face. Miranda was very lively and talkactive girl and everybody loved her. Miranda was typical teenager, every room was full of her. She had a dream, she wanted to see "big world" she felt that village in mountains is too small for her. When she was 19 years old she left home and she travelled to the Almead's capitol named Varos. She was amazed by big city and it's atmosphere. She didn't have enough money so she started to work in a tavern, Miranda helped old lady who treated her as her own daughter. In that tavern she met human soldier- Ferric, and she fell in love with him. Ferric was tall, handsome man with blonde hair and blue eyes. 9 months later Miranda gave birth to little girl. Girl was born with white hair and beautiful blue eyes, so her parents named her Bianca. Miranda, Ferric and little Bianca lived peacefully upstairs of tavern. When old lady died she asked Miranda to take care of her Tavern, she didn't have any kids, so she left everything to that white haired woman from North and her husband. Whole family was very happy, and their place was always full of love. 7 years after that their second daughter, Ellen, was born. Everybody loved this little girl, specially Bianca, she loved to help mum looking after her sister. From very beginning Bianca was very protective over her little sister. When Ellen was only 1 month old Miranda and Ferric decided to go to festival. They knew that many of their friends will be there, and both of them hadn't seen them for a long time because of their little baby. They never came back. Noone knows why. Bianca was waiting for them with Ellen for long 3 days. She was scared, but she tried to do her best with taking care of her little sister. Girls were found by their neighbor, very greedy and rude woman. When she realized that girls are alone, without parents, she turned girls onto the street, and she took over Miranda's tavern. Bianca was walking around the town with her little sister in her arms. She didn't know what to do, she was still only a child.. Then she saw something beautiful. Very big building with huge sculptured gate. She rembered that once she was walking with her mum, and she asked "Mom, who lives there?" and Miranda said "This is Sun Temple, sweetie. See that beautiful lady? She's priestess, here take this flower and give it to that lady. They are praying to the God of Sun, and thanks to them we have very good weather, and our crops are so plentiful." Bianca decided to knock to the gate. Priestesses were very nice, they helped girls, fed them and offered a room to spend night. Bianca was little girl, but she was worried about her, and her sister's future. She asked High Priestess if she can stay for a longer time. She said, that she can work for food and place to sleep for her and Ellen. Highest Priestess said:
- I can see in your eyes, that you're very smart girl. I remember you. Your mother was from Aerie's village, that's why you have white hair, but blue eyes... Your father had blue eyes, right? You, and your little sister can stay here as long as you want. And you won't be our slave. But you have to promise me one thing.
-What Ma'am?
-You'll become priestess.
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